New Loops Sitemap
Can't find what you're looking for? See our sitemap for a list of our pages.
- Home page
- 24 Synth Supersaw Comparison
- 4 Da Club - Free House Loops
- About us
- Avenger Granular Spheres Temp
- Bulk Editor
- Contact
- Customer Testimonials
- Free Acid Synths
- Free Carnival Drums
- Free Club Techno Loops (Free Techno Samples)
- Free Club Techno One Shots (Free Techno Samples)
- Free EDM Basslines
- Free EDM Snare Fills
- Free MiniBrute V Presets - Download FREE Arturia MiniBrute V Sounds!
- Free Progressive House Loops
- Free Sample Packs (Free loops and samples)
- Free Surge Presets by New Loops
- Free Trap Kit
- Free Trap Sample Pack
- Free U-he Hive Presets
- Music Production Resources
- Music Production Software
- New Loops Label Sampler 2019 (Free Audio Samples and Presets)
- New Loops Label Sampler 2024 (Free Audio Samples and Presets)
- News
- No Risk Money Back Guarantee
- Privacy Policy
- Sound Design Services
- Special Offers
- Terms and Conditions
- Thank You for Subscribing!
- U-he Colour Copy Free Presets
- Wish List
- 120 New Presets for HIVE
- 808s (Kicks and Subs)
- Afterworld - Zebra 2 Presets
- Alive - UVI Falcon Expansion
- Ambient Drum Loops
- Analog Duality - Kontakt Analog Synths
- Atmospheric Techno Sound Pack
- Atmospheric Textures (WAV/DUNE Presets)
- Augmented Analogue - Phase Plant Presets
- Avenger Expansion Bundle (Avenger Presets)
- Avenger Granular Spheres (Avenger Expansion)
- Bass House Kit (Construction)
- Between Worlds - Lion Presets (Unfiltered Audio Lion Expansion)
- Big Bass Bundle (Wav, Kontakt, Reason)
- Big Drop - EDM Massive Presets
- Biggest Sale of the Year - Up To 80% off all Packs!
- Buy One Get One Free on Selected Packs
- Cataclysm - Avenger Expansion
- Chill Trap Construction Kits
- Cinematic Textures and Drones
- Club Impacts - Sound Effects
- Club Risers - Sound Effects
- Club Sound Effects Bundle
- Club Sound Effects Updates
- Dark and Light - Omnisphere Presets
- Deadly Trap Construction Kits
- Deep House and Tech Vol.1
- Deep Kicks - Kick Drum Library
- Detroit Techno Construction Kits
- Digital Nation - Arturia MiniFreak Sound Bank
- Diva Expansion (Diva Presets) MusicTech Magazine Review
- Diva Expansion 1 - Diva Presets
- Diva Expansion 2 - U-he Diva Presets
- Diva Expressions - Diva Presets
- Diva Presets Bundle
- Drum and Bass Construction Kits
- Dub Techno Loops - Analogue Sounds
- Dubstep Rytm - Analog Rytm Sound Pack
- Dune 3 Presets Bundle
- Dune Midi Sequences 1
- Dusty Keys (WAV and MPC Loops)
- EDM Glitch Fills
- Electronic Drum Loop Layers 1
- Electronic Drum Loops (Loops and One-Shots)
- Electronic Drum Loops 2 (Audio Loops)
- Electronic Drum Loops Bundle (Loops and One-Shots)
- Elektro Synth - Spire Presets
- Elektro Synth Review by
- Elevation - Pigments Sound Bank
- Emotional Trap Kit (MPC Expansion/Wav)
- Emphasis - Diva Presets
- Enter The Hive - Hive Presets
- Epic Cinematic Slams (Avenger Presets)
- Epic Cinematic Slams (Phase Plant Presets)
- Epic Cinematic Slams (Reason ReFill)
- Epic Cinematic Slams (Wav)
- Eternal - Hive Presets
- Euphoria - Dune 3 Presets (Dune Trance Presets)
- Euro Dance Masters - FM8 EDM Presets
- Feeling Again - Pop Kit (WAV and MPC Expansion)
- Feeling Good (Deep House Kit)
- Fragmented - Pigments Sound Bank
- Frequency Modulation - Arturia MiniFreak Sound Bank
- Frequency Modulation - Dune 3 Presets
- Future Bass and Chords - Massive Presets
- Future Bass Construction Kits
- Future Bass Explosion - Massive Presets
- Future Bass House Construction Kits
- Future Bass Kit (Construction)
- Future Bass Kit 2 (Construction)
- Future Bass Massive Bundle
- Future Sci-Fi - Pigments Sound Bank
- FX Percussion
- Gas Giant - TAL J-8 Presets
- Genetic Mutations - Dune 3 Presets
- Get Away - Deep House Kit
- Granularity - Phase Plant Presets
- Halloween Sale Is Now On!
- Halloween Trap Kit
- Hard Bass (Kontakt/Grain/Wav)
- Hard Trap Kit (Construction Kit)
- Hip-Hop and Trap Lofi Drums Bundle
- Hip-Hop and Trap Lofi Drums Vol.1
- Hip-Hop and Trap Lofi Drums Vol.2
- Hive Presets Bundle
- Hive Presets Double Pack
- House and Techno Chords (Wav/Reason Refill)
- House Bundle Construction Kits
- House Drums Sound Pack
- House Sample Pack Bundle 2
- How Music Travels - The evolution of western dance music
- Hyper Repro Presets (U-he Repro Sound Bank)
- Ice Cold - Pigments Sound Bank
- Immense Trance - Massive Presets
- Inversion ANA 2 Presets (Sonic Academy ANA 2 Expansion)
- It's Your Life - Trance Construction Kit
- Just Analogue - Pigments Sound Bank
- Kick Drum Bundle (Analog, EDM, Hip Hop)
- Kontakt Synth Bundle (Analog Synths)
- Kult Leader - Kult Presets
- Lo-fi Trap Kit (Construction)
- Lofi House and Techno Drum Loops Vol.1
- Lofi House Drums Sound Pack
- Lofi House Drums Sound Pack
- Low Drones - Pigments Sound Bank
- Magnetism Repro 5 Presets
- Massive Presets Bundle
- Maximise Your Discount Up To 50% Off
- MiniFreak Presets Bundle (Arturia MiniFreak Sound Banks)
- Monotone Pro Expansion (65 Monotone Presets) Free Demo Presets!
- Morpheus - Phase Plant Presets (Kilohearts Phase Plant Expansion)
- Mosaic Thorn Expansion (Thorn Presets)
- Moving On - Chill Trap and Future RnB
- Music Production Resources
- Music Production Software
- New Future House Sample Pack - Over 1.5 GB of House Sounds!
- New Horizons - Dune 3 Presets
- New Loops - Best Sellers on
- New Loops - Europa Pro Expansion - 120 Reason Studio Europa Presets
- New Loops - Hive Presets Double Pack Review
- New Loops - Trap Kits - Over 1 GB of Trap Sounds
- New Loops - Trap Monsters Vol.1 Sample Pack
- New Loops Autumn Sale 2017
- New Loops Black Friday Sale 2017
- New Loops Empyrean (U-he Zebra Presets)
- New Loops Halloween Sale 2017
- New Loops Massive Black Friday Sale has started!
- New Loops Percussion Sample Library (Kontakt, ReFill, Ableton Live, Wav)
- New Loops Releases Ableton Wavetable Presets and Racks
- New Loops Summer Sale - Up To 60% Off Sample Packs and Synth Presets
- New Loops Survey and Competition 2019
- New Loops Survey Competition Results
- New Omnisphere Library - 185 Omnisphere Presets
- is Three Years Old!
- NOIZE Textures (Wav/Dune Presets)
- Odyssey - Current Presets
- Organic Lofi Bundle 1 (WAV & Reason)
- Organic Lofi Drums (WAV & Reason)
- Organic Lofi Melodies (WAV & Reason)
- Organika - Pigments Sound Bank
- Other Worlds - Omnisphere Presets
- OTT Kicks (Kick Samples)
- Our New Audio Sample Store -
- Parsec 2 Pro Expansion (Parsec 2 Presets)
- Particles - Serum Presets Expansion
- Percussion Mega Pack - Percussion Library
- Pete Tong chooses sounds by New Loops
- Phase Plant Bass Expansion (Phase Plant Presets)
- Phase Plant Presets Bundle
- Phase Plant Spheres (Phase Plant Presets)
- Phase Plant Synths Expansion (Phase Plant Presets)
- Pigments Presets Bundle 1 (Arturia Pigments Sound Banks)
- Pigments Presets Bundle 2
- Pluck Bass (Wav/Kontakt/Reason)
- Pop Kits (Construction Kits)
- Pounding Techno Kicks
- Premium Claps and Snares (Drum Samples)
- Premium Drum Bundle - Drums and Percussion
- Premium EDM Kicks (Drum Samples)
- Premium Hi Hats and Rides
- Punchy Kick Drums (Kick Samples)
- Pure Analog Deep House Kits
- Pure Fire - Pigments Sound Bank (Pigments Presets)
- Quantum - Arturia MiniBrute V Sound Bank
- Quarantine - Massive X Presets
- Radio Ready (Hip-Hop Kit)
- ReasonTalk New Loops Song Challenge - Chance to WIN Reason ReFills
- Repro Presets Bundle
- Repro-1 Pro Expansion - Repro 1 Presets
- Repro-5 Pro Expansion (U-he Repro 5 Presets)
- Rhymes With Rogue - Leads (Moog Synths)
- Sales Start NOW! 50% Off ALL Bundles!
- Season's Greetings 2017
- Sequenced - Pigments Sound Bank
- Serum Bass - Serum Presets
- Serum Pads - Serum Presets
- Serum Presets Bundle - Presets For Xfer Serum
- Serum Synths - Serum Presets
- Shimmer Pads (Wav/Kontakt/Reason)
- Spectrum — Dune 3 Presets
- Spheres - Atmospheric Pads
- Spheres - Atmospheric Pads (Reason ReFill)
- Stardust - TAL J-8 Presets
- Sub and Vowel Bass (Wav/Kontakt/Reason)
- Supernova - Pigments Presets (Pigments Sound Pack)
- Synplant 2 Pro Expansion - Synplant 2 Presets
- Synthmaster One Bass Expansion
- TAL U-NO-LX Presets Bank
- Techno Grooves - Loops and Samples
- Techno Master Tool Box (Techno Sample Pack)
- Techno Sample Pack Bundle
- Techno Sample Pack Bundle 2
- These Are The Kicks - Analog Kick Drums
- Thorn Pro Expansion (Thorn Presets)
- Thorn Sequences 1 (Thorn Presets)
- Trap Bundle 2
- Trap Construction Kits Bundle
- Trap Highlights (Construction Kits)
- Trap Melodies - 300 Trap Sounds and Midi
- Trap of Gods (Construction Kit)
- Trap Sample Pack Bundle 1
- Twin 3 Discovery - Twin 3 Presets
- Twin 3 Presets Bundle (FabFilter Twin 3 Presets)
- Twin 3 Pro Expansion - Twin 3 Presets
- Twin 3 Voyage - FabFilter Twin 3 Presets
- Ultimate Power - Hive Presets
- Ultimate Urban Beats - Trap Beats 1
- Ultimate Urban Beats - Trap Beats 1-4 Bundle
- Ultimate Urban Beats - Trap Beats 2
- Ultimate Urban Beats - Trap Beats 3
- Ultimate Urban Beats - Trap Beats 4
- Universal Dune 3 Presets
- Universe Explorer - Arturia MiniFreak Sound Bank
- Up to 60% off sample packs and sound libraries from
- Valhalla Creative Delays - Valhalla Delay Presets
- Virtual Analogue - Arturia MiniFreak Sound Bank
- Virtual Analogue - Dune 3 Presets
- Vital Ascendant (Vital Content Pack)
- Worlds Beyond — Dune 3 Presets
- Zebra 2 Presets Bundle (U-he Zebra Presets)
- 808s - Hip-Hop/Trap/Pop Kicks Drums and Subs
- Ableton Wavetable Presets (Ableton LIVE Pack)
- Afterworld - U-he Zebra 2 Presets
- Alive - UVI Falcon Expansion (UVI Falcon Presets)
- Ambient Drum Loops (WAV/Reason ReFill)
- Analog Duality - Native Instruments Kontakt Analog Synths
- Atmospheric Techno Sound Pack (Techno Loops and Samples)
- Augmented Analogue - Phase Plant Presets (Kilohearts Phase Plant Expansion)
- Avenger Expansion Bundle (VPS Avenger Presets)
- Avenger Granular Spheres (VPS Avenger Expansion)
- Bass House Kit (WAV/MPC Construction Kit)
- Between Worlds - Lion Presets (Unfiltered Audio Lion Expansion)
- Big Bass Bundle (Wav, Kontakt, Reason)
- Big Drop - EDM Massive Presets (Native Instruments Massive)
- Cataclysm - Avenger Expansion (VPS Avenger Presets)
- Chill Trap Construction Kits (WAV/Ableton Live/ Reason ReFill)
- Cinematic Textures and Drones (WAV/Kontakt/Reason ReFill)
- Club Impacts - Sound Effects (WAV/Kontakt/Live/Reason ReFill)
- Club Risers - Sound Effects (WAV/Kontakt/Live/Reason ReFill)
- Club Sound Effects Bundle (WAV/Kontakt/Live/Reason ReFill)
- Dark and Light - Omnisphere Presets
- Deadly Trap Construction Kits (WAV/Reason ReFill)
- Deep House and Tech Vol.1 (WAV/Battery/Live/Reason ReFill)
- Deep Kicks - Kick Drum Library (WAV/Kontakt/Live/Reason ReFill)
- Detroit Techno Construction Kits (WAV/Battery/Live/Reason ReFill)
- Digital Nation - Arturia MiniFreak Sound Bank
- Diva Expansion 1 - U-he Diva Presets
- Diva Expansion 2 - U-he Diva Presets
- Diva Expressions - U-he Diva Presets
- Diva Presets Bundle - U-he Diva Presets
- Drum and Bass Construction Kits (WAV/Reason ReFill)
- Dub Techno Loops - Analogue Sounds (WAV/Live/Reason ReFill)
- Dubstep Rytm - Analog Rytm Sound Pack
- Dune 3 Presets Bundle (Dune 3 Sound Packs)
- Dune Midi Sequences 1 — Dune 3 Presets and Midi Files
- Dusty Keys (WAV and MPC Loops)
- EDM Glitch Fills (EDM Loops and Samples)
- Electronic Drum Loop Layers 1 (Audio Loops)
- Electronic Drum Loops (Loops and One-Shots)
- Electronic Drum Loops 2 (Audio Loops)
- Electronic Drum Loops Bundle (Loops and One-Shots)
- Elektro Synth - Reveal Sounds Spire Presets
- Elevation - Arturia Pigments Sound Bank (Pigments Presets)
- Emotional Trap Kit (MPC Expansion/Wav)
- Emphasis - U-he Diva Presets
- Empyrean (U-he Zebra 2 Presets)
- Enter The Hive (U-he Hive Presets)
- Epic Cinematic Slams (Kilohearts Phase Plant Presets)
- Epic Cinematic Slams (Reason ReFill SFX Library)
- Epic Cinematic Slams (SFX Avenger Presets)
- Epic Cinematic Slams (WAV SFX Library)
- Eternal - U-he Hive Presets
- Euphoria - Dune 3 Presets (Dune Trance Presets)
- Euro Dance Masters - Native Instruments FM8 EDM Presets
- Europa Pro Expansion (Reason Europa Presets)
- Feeling Again - Pop Kit (WAV and MPC Expansion)
- Feeling Good (Deep House Kit WAV/MPC Expansion)
- Fragmented - Arturia Pigments Sound Bank (Pigments Presets)
- Frequency Modulation - Arturia MiniFreak Sound Bank
- Frequency Modulation - Dune 3 Presets
- Future Bass and Chords - Native Instruments Massive Presets
- Future Bass Construction Kits (WAV/LIVE/REASON)
- Future Bass Explosion - Native Instruments Massive Presets
- Future Bass House Construction Kits (WAV/LIVE/REASON)
- Future Bass Kit (WAV/MPC Expansion Construction Kit)
- Future Bass Kit 2 (WAV/MPC Expansion Construction Kit)
- Future Bass Massive Presets Bundle
- Future House Audio Construction Kits/Reason ReFill)
- Future Sci-Fi - Arturia Pigments Sound Bank (Pigments Presets)
- FX Percussion (Wav/Reason Refill)
- Gas Giant - TAL J-8 Presets
- Genetic Mutations - Dune 3 Presets
- Get Away - Deep House Kit (WAV/MPC Expansion)
- Granularity - Phase Plant Presets (Kilohearts Phase Plant Expansion)
- Halloween Trap Kit (WAV/MPC Expansion)
- Hard Bass (Kontakt Library/Reason Grain/Wav)
- Hard Trap Kit (WAV Construction Kit)
- Hip-Hop and Trap Lofi Drums Bundle (Loops and One Shot Samples)
- Hip-Hop and Trap Lofi Drums Vol.1 (Loops and One Shot Samples)
- Hip-Hop and Trap Lofi Drums Vol.2 (Loops and One Shot Samples)
- House and Techno Chords (Wav/Reason Refill)
- House Audio Sample Pack Bundle 2 (House WAV Loops and Samples)
- House Bundle Construction Kits (House Loops and Samples)
- House Drum Bundle (House Loops and Samples)
- House Drums Sound Pack (Audio Loops and Samples)
- Hyper Repro Presets (U-he Repro Synthwave Sound Bank)
- Ice Cold - Arturia Pigments Sound Bank
- Immense Trance - Native Instruments Massive Presets
- Inversion ANA 2 Presets (Sonic Academy ANA 2 Expansion)
- It's Your Life - Trance Construction Kit (WAV/MPC)
- Just Analogue - Arturia Pigments Sound Bank
- Kick Drum Bundle (Analog, EDM, Hip Hop Kick Drums)
- Kontakt Synth Bundle (Analog Synths Kontakt Library)
- Kult Leader - Dawesome Kult Presets
- Lo-fi Trap Kit (MPC Expansion Construction Kit)
- Lofi House and Techno Drum Loops Vol.1
- Lofi House Drums Sound Pack (Audio Loops and Samples)
- Low Drones - Arturia Pigments Sound Bank
- Magnetism (U-he Repro 5 Presets)
- View more
- Ableton Live Packs
- Ableton Wavetable Presets
- Akai MPC Expansion Packs
- All Sound Packs
- Ambient, Downtempo, and Chillout Sound Packs
- Arturia MiniBrute V Presets and Sound Banks
- Arturia MiniFreak Presets and Sound Banks
- Arturia Pigments Presets and Sound Banks
- Audio Sample Packs in WAV Format
- Audio WAV Construction Kits
- Best Selling Audio Sample Packs and Synth Presets
- Black Friday Specials on Audio Sample Packs
- Cinematic and Sound Track Sound Packs
- Darkwave, Cyberpunk, EBM, Dark Electro, and Industrial
- Dawesome KULT Presets
- Drum and Bass Sample Packs
- Drum Samples and Audio Loops
- DS Audio Thorn Presets and Thorn Expansion Packs
- Dubstep Sample Packs - Dubstep Loops and Samples
- EDM Sample Packs - EDM Loops and Samples
- Electro, Synthwave, and Retrowave Sound Packs
- Elektron Analog Rytm Sound Packs
- Epic Cinematic Slams Sound Effects
- FabFilter Twin 3 Presets and Sound Packs
- Featured Audio Sample Packs and Synth Presets
- Future Bass Sound Packs
- Hip Hop and Trap Kits
- Home Synth Presets
- House Sample and Audio Loop Packs
- Kilohearts Phase Plant Presets and sound banks
- KV331 Synthmaster Presets
- Latest Releases - Sound Packs and Synth Expansions
- Minimal Audio Current Presets
- Native Instruments Battery Kits
- Native Instruments FM8 Presets
- Native Instruments Kontakt Libraries and Expansion Packs
- Native Instruments Massive Presets - Massive X Presets
- New Loops Audio Loops and Sample Packs
- Omnisphere Presets and Expansion Packs
- Plugin Effects Presets (Download VST Plugin Presets)
- Pop Kits and Sound Packs
- Reason Europa Presets - Europa ReFills
- Reason ReFills - REX Loops, Reason Kong kits
- Reveal Sound Spire Presets
- Single Audio Kits - Audio Sample Packs
- Sonic Academy ANA 2 Presets
- Sonic Charge Synplant 2 Presets
- Sound Effects Sample Packs (SFX Samples)
- Sound Pack Bundles
- Special Offers - Sound Packs
- Synapse Audio Dune Presets and Expansions
- Synth Presets, Synth Sound Banks, and Synth Expansions
- TAL Synths Presets - J-8 and U-No-LX presets
- Techno Loops and Sample Packs
- Trance Presets and Trance Sample Packs
- U-he Diva Presets and Sound Packs
- U-he Hive Presets and Sound Packs
- U-he Repro Presets and Sound Packs
- U-he Synths Presets and Sound Packs
- U-he Zebra Presets and Sound Packs
- Unfiltered Audio Lion Presets
- UVI Falcon Expansions and Presets
- Vengeance Sound Avenger Expansions - VPS Avenger Presets
- Vital Audio - Vital Presets and Vital Expansion Packs
- Xfer Serum Presets and Sound Packs
Updated by Sitemapper at 3/24/2025 4:51:53 PM +07:00