House Bundle Construction Kits (House Loops and Samples)

House Construction Kits Bundle
House Bundle gives you everything you need to make cutting edge Deep House, Future House and Bass House tracks — well over 1000 samples and patches! The sample packs in this bundle have been carefully chosen to compliment each other and includes hundreds of drum loops, one-shots, basslines, analogue multi-samples, chords, sound effects, midi files and more. Get more sounds and save money with this bundle.
Includes the following sample packs:
- Future Bass House (construction kits)
- Pure Analog Deep House (construction kits)
- Deep House and Tech (loops and one-shots)
- These are the Kicks (tuned kick drums)
Available in Separate Formats
This sound pack is available in 3 separate formats — Audio WAV, Ableton Live Pack, and Reason Refill. Click on links below for full details of each pack.
Pack 1: Future Bass House
Future Bass House contains everything you need to create floor pounding Bass House anthems. This crossover pack draws influences from many genres of dance music including Trap, Dubstep, Garage, EDM and more. Future Bass House features seven full construction kits and includes, Drum Loops, Bass Loops, Music Loops, Vocals, Sound Effects, Midi Files, REX2 Loops and a load of carefully recorded One Shot sounds for your samplers.
Wav Pack Features
- 775 MB of Audio Content
- 7 Full Construction Kits
- 216 WAV Loops
- 215 One Shot's
- 169 REX2 Loops
- 44 Midi Files
- Key and Bpm in File Names
- 128 Bpm Loops
- 24-bit/44.1 kHz Audio
Ableton Live Pack Features
- All wav content plus…
- 7 drum racks
- 57 Sampler presets
- 57 Simpler presets
Reason Refill Features
- All wav content plus…
- 7 Kong kits
- 57 NN-XT sampler patches
- 23 Dr.OctoRex patches
Click here for full product page
Pack 2: Pure Analog Deep House
Pure Analog Deep House is a supreme collection of over 400 sounds for the modern House producer. 10 full Deep House construction kits contain everything you need for highly polished, finished tracks including Drums, Bass, Synths, FX, Vocals and loads more. You’ll find hundreds of Audio Loops, One-Shot Samples, and Midi files. Each construction kit is a full song, broken down into its component parts and organised in an intuitive way, with the category, bpm, and key information in the file names. All sounds have been recorded with high-quality hardware and are 100% pure analogue with all the character and warmth that go with it.
Audio Wav Pack Features
- Over 400 total sounds
- 10 construction kits
- 226 WAV loops
- 220 REX2 loops
- 199 one-shot sounds
- 39 Midi files
- Wet and dry versions with variations
- Each kit has audio, one-shots, and midi
- 24-bit/44.1 kHz
Ableton Live Pack Features
- All wav content plus…
- 63 Sampler patches
- 63 Simpler patches
- 10 drum instruments racks with 16 macros
- 10 drum racks with 8 macros
Reason ReFill Features
- All wav content plus…
- 59 NN-XT patches
- 29 Dr.OctoRex patches
- 11 Kong Kits
Click here for full product page
Pack 3: Deep House and Tech, Vol.1
Deep House and Tech features a collection of analogue House loops and sounds. You'll find drums, bass, synths, and sound effect loops and one shot samples. The audio Loops are broken down into component parts including the full loop, kick, clap, snare, hats, percussion etc… Loops are eight bars long and can be looped with reverb and delay tails intact. Also included are old school synths, chords, and pads. All drum sounds in the Deep House and Tech have been made using an Elektron Analog Rytm which features an analogue compressor and distortion circuit and gives these sounds a unique and full character.
Audio Wav Pack Features
- 113 one-shot sounds
- 79 eight-bar wav loops (drums, kick, bass, synths, percussion)
- 79 REX2 loops
- 10 bonus synths
- 7 bonus sound effects
- 24-bit/44.1 kHz audio
- 122 bpm
Ableton Live Pack Features
- All wav content plus…
- 10 drum racks with audio effects and 16 macros assigned
- 10 drum kits with 8 macros assigned
- 10 example midi files
- 16 bass and synth racks with 8 macros,
- Velocity, mod wheel and aftertouch assigned
- 16 Ableton Sampler and Simpler instruments
- 10 old school synth racks with 8 macros
- 10 old School synths for Ableton Sampler and Simpler
- 6 drum hit-type racks
- 6 drum hit-type kits
Reason Refill Features
- All wav content plus…
- 79 eight-bar loops in WAV, AIFF and REX2 formats
- 10 Combinator patches with Redrum patterns, custom graphics and macros
- 10 Kong kits with 10 example midi files
- 10 Redrum kits
- 10 Dr.OctoRex patches with four-bar REX2 loops
- 15 NN-XT patches (bass and synths)
- 10 oldschool synths NN-XT patches.
- 8 Kong hit-type kits
Click here for full product page
Pack 4: These Are The Kicks
These are the Kicks features 210 multi-sampled Kick Drums in Ableton Live, Reason, and Wav formats. Made on an Elektron Analog Rytm drum machine, these are The Kicks has 30 original Kicks tuned in seven different keys providing 210 variations. Each Kick is tuned in keys D, E, F, G, A, B, C and arranged in 30 separate folders and all key labelled. We've also included 25 Kick sound effects as a bonus.
Audio Wav Pack Features
- 235 total audio files (one shot samples)
- 210 analogue kick drums
- 30 original kicks tuned in keys D, E, F, G, A, B, C
- 25 bonus kick sound effects
Ableton Live Pack Features
- All wav content plus…
- 30 drum racks
- 10 kick sound Effects racks
- 2 kick multi FX racks
Reason Refill Features
- All wav content plus…
- 30 kits for Kong
- 30 kits for Redrum
- 2 kick sound effects Kong kits
- 3 kick sound effects Redrum kits
Click here for full product page
Click the TABS above for more information and download the FREE Demo Pack.
Audio demos are for illustrative purposes, some sounds may not be included. All synth sounds are from this pack.
This sound pack comes in the following formats:
- WAV format
- Ableton Live format
- Reason Refill format
If there is more than one format, choose your format when adding to cart. Formats are sold separately.
Wav Requirements
WAV is the universal audio format and works with all software compatible with .wav files including: FL Studio, Cubase, Pro Tools, Studio One, Logic Pro, Ableton, Reason and many other DAWS.
Wav files are compatible with most hardware controllers and samplers including Akai MPC's, Native Instruments Maschine, Elektron, Roland, and Korg samplers.
Ableton Live Requirements
Requires Ableton Live 9.6 or later (not included)
Reason Refill Requirements
Requires Reason 10 or later (not included).
How To Buy This Sound Pack
To buy this sound pack, click “ADD TO CART” at the top of this page. If there are different formats, select the one you want from the drop-down menu first. Once you've added the pack to your cart, you can log in or register an account before checkout. Download links will be emailed to you manually after purchase.