Future Bass Construction Kits (WAV/LIVE/REASON)

Future Bass Construction Kits
New Loops presents Future Bass — a collection of highly melodic sounds for producers of Future Bass, Trap, Hip Hop and other bass styles. Future Bass features 5 full construction kits with over 900 MB of audio content and includes audio loops, one shot sounds, and midi files. You’ll find drums, bass, vocals, melodies, sound effects, multi-samples and more! This sound pack has been created to be as diverse and useful as possible. All sounds are individually named and have tempo and key in the file names. The audio loops have many variations, for example, with and without FX, full loops, kickless loops, hat loops, kick, and snare only.
Available in Separate Formats
This sound pack is available in 3 separate formats: Audio Wav Pack, Ableton Live Pack, and Reason Refill (sold separately). Choose your format when adding to cart.
Audio Wav Pack
WAV is the universal audio format and works with all software compatible with .wav files including: FL Studio, Cubase, Pro Tools, Studio One, Logic Pro, Ableton, Reason and many other DAWS.
- 5 Future Bass construction kits
- Over 900 MB audio content
- 515 one shot sounds including multi-samples
- 136 audio loops (includes variations)
- 113 REX2 loops
- 27 midi files
- 140-160 bpm (half-time)
- 24-bit/44.1 kHz audio
Ableton Live Pack
Future Bass Live Pack is specially made for Ableton Live and includes drum racks and Sampler instruments.
- 5 Future Bass construction kits
- Over 900 MB audio content
- 515 one shot sounds including multi-samples
- 136 audio loops (includes variations)
- 113 Rex2 loops
- 26 Sampler and Simpler Instruments
- 27 midi files
- 5 Drum Racks for Live
- 140-160 bpm (half-time)
- 24-bit/44.1 kHz audio
Reason Refill
Future Bass Refill is specially made for Reason and includes Kong Kits, NN-XT, and Dr.OctoRex instruments.
- 5 Future Bass construction kits
- Over 900 MB audio content
- 515 one shot sounds including multi-samples
- 136 audio loops (includes variations)
- 113 Rex2 loops
- 26 NN-XT patches
- 15 DrOctoRex patches
- 27 midi files
- 5 Kong kits
- 140-160 bpm (half-time)
- 24-bit/44.1 kHz audio
This sound pack comes in the following formats:
- WAV format
- Ableton Live format
- Reason Refill format
If there is more than one format, choose your format when adding to cart. Formats are sold separately.
Wav Requirements
WAV is the universal audio format and works with all software compatible with .wav files including: FL Studio, Cubase, Pro Tools, Studio One, Logic Pro, Ableton, Reason and many other DAWS.
Wav files are compatible with most hardware controllers and samplers including Akai MPC's, Native Instruments Maschine, Elektron, Roland, and Korg samplers.
Ableton Live Requirements
Requires Ableton Live 9.6 or later (not included).
Reason Refill Requirements
Requires Reason 10 or later (not included).
How To Buy This Sound Pack
To buy this sound pack, click “ADD TO CART” at the top of this page. If there are different formats, select the one you want from the drop-down menu first. Once you've added the pack to your cart, you can log in or register an account before checkout. Download links will be emailed to you manually after purchase.